Wednesday 10 October 2012

Days 32-36: still working...

Most diets peter out after a month or so - after the thrill of losing lots of weight in your first few weeks, it just stops.  As a result, you stop too, you go back to old habits, and you gain the weight back.

The OMG diet doesn't seem to have that defect.  On the forum where dieters share their experience, everyone there reports that the weight keeps coming off.  That's been my experience too - the weight is coming off slowly, but it's still dropping off a little bit at a time.

The chart on the right shows my progress.  For the first few weeks, I just weighed myself weekly, since that was the advice on the diet.  However, I later decided that I wanted more information, so I started a daily weighing routine.  On the chart, you can see my weigh-in results as dots, while the thin line shows the overall trend.

I'm pleased that I started daily weighing because there was a week long blip where I started unusually low and ended unusually high - had I weighed myself at either end of it, I would have had the wrong idea about my progress.  As it is, you can see that the dip was balanced by a bump - when it was all over I was still on the same trend line.

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