I wasn't wholly prepared for today. In addition to getting used to a new routine, I had to get the kids to school for the first day of term, and of course I had to get to work. I got up at 6am and by some miracle the kids were more or less on time and so was I, but what a rush!
First came the pain, though. As soon as I was out of bed, I was into my running kit and out on the road. The sun was out and warm on my face, the roads were quiet apart from a few long distance commuters, and I could smell the faintly musty, warm fragrance of recently harvested grain. Of course, all this distracted me, and so I failed to stretch before running. I followed the book - the exercise followed by the long wait before eating - but the book isn't there to remind you to stretch - you're meant to have a bit of sense. My thighs still hurt, many hours later.
After an invigorating run, I thought I'd be in great condition to brave the cold bath. Yet again, a triumph of hope over sense. It was far more painful than yesterday. By the end of my bath, I'd warmed the water by 1.5C, but I felt nothing like the sense of accomplishment that I felt yesterday - I just felt cold. Very, very cold. Nevertheless, I survived the full 15 minutes, including a good scrub and washed hair. An hour later, as I was finally eating my breakfast, I still felt cold. I thought my body was supposed to warm itself up - that was how I'd lose weight, by burning fat to stay warm. Is this working?
Lunch was a huge salad - a whole head of cob lettuce, a tin of sardines, a handful of walnuts. This was actually pretty satisfying, so I didn't feel hungry at all in the afternoon - but I did need my cups of milky tea and coffee. You're meant to have these drinks black, but somehow I knew that I needed the white stuff to keep myself motivated. Never mind the cold bath - I want my tea! So I have officially decided that black tea and coffee are optional on my version of the diet. But no sweeteners, and I'm not going overboard, it's still mostly water - besides, I'm using unsweetened soya milk, which has a very low carbohydrate count.
The hardest thing to get used to (at least, as of Day 2) is remembering to plan exercise and waiting time before a meal. I get to lunchtime, I think - Hooray! Then I remember that I haven't gone for a walk yet, haven't had the wait. So today's lunchtime was a walk around our site, followed by making my salad (a shorter wait than I was supposed to have, but it will do for today), and finally the meal. I got several comments on my "healthy" lunch. No one has guessed my guilty secret - that I am desperate to lose weight. Will they notice when I come in wearing a size smaller outfit?
One great relief today - I had no headaches. I don't know why yesterday was so bad and today has not been. Have I been slacking, or was it a 24-hour wonder? I hope it's the latter - a sign that I had some clearing out to do, and that now the worst of the toxins are out of my system. However, that once again sounds like a triumph of hope over sense. So have the toxins stayed, and am I in for more headaches? One thing is for sure - painful thighs are much more tolerable than a splitting head.
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