Saturday 22 September 2012

Days 15-17 Heavy drinking

If you're heavy, drink more water.  I've heard that advice many times from people who have tried it and assured me it works.  It never worked for me before, but then maybe I wasn't really keeping track properly. To see whether an "intervention" (i.e. a change) really works, you have to make sure that a) you only change that, and nothing else - for instance don't make a change while on holiday, because all sorts of things change when you're on holiday b) you record the things you want to assess both before the experiment and afterwards, ideally several times over the course of several days.  You want to eliminate the possibility that the change isn't real - it was just a blip one day - or that you've mistaken one cause (e.g. water) for another (e.g. more sleep).

Last week my weight loss slowed down, and I looked back over my notes to see what had changed.  I'm keeping a paper diary of my days - what I eat and drink, time and activity type for exercise, when I wake, how I feel.  I noticed that two things had changed.  One was that I wasn't sticking to the exercise timings as I should.  My intention is to have three periods of "movement" - it doesn't need to be vigorous but just needs to get my circulation going - of 45, 30, and 15 minutes respectively.  The other difference was that I wasn't drinking as much water as I had in the first week.

I decided to pick just one thing to correct - the water.  I'm rising each morning with a tall glass of water, and trying to remember to drink water whenever I feel thirsty.

Does it make any difference?  We shall see, because I've only been making this change for four days, but I did sneak a look at the scales this morning, and if that's anything to go by, I'll have lost more weight this week than I did last week.  Three cheers for water!

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