Wednesday 19 September 2012

Days 12-14 Slowing down

As with any new activity, once the novelty wears off, it can be hard to stick with it.  You get distracted.  Other things may seem more important.  Now, I wouldn't say that I have fallen off the wagon, but home and work have been busy, there have been deadlines and pressures unrelated to my weight, health, or long term brain function, and meanwhile I've felt quite settled into the OMG routine.  And perhaps for these reasons, there are some things that have slipped.

Slightly to my surprise, one thing that I've stuck with is the cold bath.  For the end of week 2 the temperature continues to be 19.0C, as measured on my Avent bath thermometer.  The precision of the temperature is reassuring, though I do wonder whether it's genuinely accurate.  Perhaps I am being lulled into thinking I'm doing better than I really am by a thermometer that gives a water temperature much lower than it really is?  At any rate, my daily 15 minutes in the bath have raised the water temperature as one would expect - to 19.8C and 20.0C on days 12 and 13, and from 18.8C to 19.6C on day 14.  If nothing else, my body must be burning some calories to warm up a deep bath of water.

So much for the good performance - on the flip side, I've been pretty poor at fitting in my "POMs" - the "periods of movement".  I should be doing three per day, of 45, 30 and 15 minutes, in that order.  Lately I've barely managed to do any movement, much less these times.  Because I work in a desk job and am frequently on the road, getting movement in requires a bit of planning and creativity.  Perhaps the advantage of the bath is that it requires neither of these - you get up, you run the bath, you get in.  Because I always have a morning routine of some sort, it's not hard to just push this to the front of the schedule.

So today I must make a renewed commitment - I must squeeze those POMs in!  Step 1: go do something right now.  As they say, there's no time like the present.

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